
Majority of you must be knowing what’s happened in Uttrakhand this sunday.

This is just to inform the interested people to donate in Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF). The resources of the PMNRF are utilized primarily to render immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc. and to the victims of the major accidents and riots.

There is no minimum amount of donation required. Amount should be entered as whole Rupees in a multiple of Rs. 1/-

All contributions towards PMNRF are exempt from Income Tax under section 80(G).

Donating even a single rupee will make a difference

Please come forward to help the affected.

Link for online donation :

the link is not working at the moment İmage
Alternatively I had made my donation from >> Payments/Transfers >> Other Payements >> Donations >> PMNRF 
You can also check your bank website


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